Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Cleaning: What to Look For

Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Cleaning: What to Look For

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When your air conditioner isn't cooling a space effectively, it may be trying to tell you something. As you turn it up and up, yet the space still doesn't seem to get as cool as you want it, it's probably a sign that maintenance is long overdue - and often that starts with cleaning. Weakened air currents that take longer to cool the space or produce a strange smell could mean a blockage or buildup within your unit's components. Are clogged filters or dirty coils at play, and how do you even spot them in the first place?

Reduced Airflow and Pressure

If you notice your air conditioner isn't blowing air as strongly as it used to, it might be a sign that it needs cleaning. エアコンクリーニング 埼玉県

Reduced airflow and pressure can be caused by a buildup of dust and debris in the air conditioner's filters, coils, and ducts.

When these components get clogged, they restrict the flow of air, making your air conditioner work harder to cool your space.

You might also notice that the air coming out of the vents is weaker or that it takes longer to cool your space.

This is because the air conditioner is struggling to push air through the clogged system.

In some cases, you might even notice that the air conditioner is making strange noises or vibrating more than usual.

These are all signs that the air conditioner needs cleaning to restore its airflow and pressure.

To check if your air conditioner's airflow is reduced, try holding a piece of paper in front of the vent.

If it doesn't move or flutter, it's likely that the airflow is weak.

Increased Energy Bills

Your air conditioner's reduced airflow and pressure can have a ripple effect on its overall performance, and one of the most noticeable consequences is an increase in your energy bills.

When your air conditioner is clogged with dirt and debris, it has to work harder to cool your home, which means it consumes more energy.

This can lead to a significant spike in your energy bills, especially during peak summer months.

If you notice that your energy bills are higher than usual, it may be a sign that your air conditioner needs cleaning.

To determine if your air conditioner is the culprit behind your increased energy bills, compare your current bills to previous ones.

If you notice a significant increase, it's likely that your air conditioner is to blame.

You can also check your air conditioner's filter and coils for dirt and debris.

If they're clogged, it's likely that your air conditioner is working harder than it needs to, which is driving up your energy bills.

Unusual Noises and Vibrations

Several unusual noises and vibrations can indicate that your air conditioner needs cleaning. As you listen to your unit operate, you should notice that it makes smooth and gentle humming or whooshing sounds. If the unit makes sudden unusual clattering, grinding, squeaking or vibrating sounds while it runs, however, something could be off and will more likely get louder in a week.

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Ice Buildup and Leaks

Air conditioners don't always exhibit clear-cut warning signs, but an icy coating and visible water leaks around your unit can indicate that a deep cleaning is necessary. You can spot ice buildup by inspecting the unit's exterior, usually near the condenser coils.

A thin layer of frost or ice is normal, but if you notice thick, white ice coating the exterior, it's likely due to a buildup of debris, dust, or dirt. This excessive buildup prevents heat transfer and forces your air conditioner to work harder, which may cause ice to form on the coils and other internal components.

Water leaks, on the other hand, are a sign of poor drainage, usually resulting from a clogged condensate pan or drainage system. You'll often notice water dripping from the air conditioner's bottom or a steady flow of water coming from the unit's sides.

These issues require prompt attention, as prolonged ice buildup and leaks can damage the air conditioner and reduce its overall performance and lifespan. It's crucial to inspect and clean the condenser coils, air filters, and drainage system to resolve these problems and ensure optimal airflow.

Musty Odors and Mold

A musty odor emanating from your air conditioner is often a sign that mold and mildew have taken hold inside the unit. When you notice this smell, it's essential to investigate and address the issue promptly.

Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments, and your air conditioner's interior can become a breeding ground if not properly maintained.

Check your air conditioner's air filter and replace it if it's dirty or clogged. A dirty filter can't capture moisture and contaminants, allowing them to enter the unit and create an ideal environment for mold and mildew growth.

You should also inspect the condensate drain for blockages or kinks, as a clogged drain can cause water to accumulate inside the unit.

If you've checked the filter and drain and the musty odor persists, it's likely that mold and mildew have grown inside the unit.

In this case, you may need to hire a professional to clean and disinfect the air conditioner's interior.

Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent mold and mildew growth, ensuring your air conditioner runs efficiently and safely.


You've noticed your air conditioner isn't cooling like it used to. Now that you know the signs, it's time to take action. Check your air conditioner's airflow and pressure, and listen for unusual noises. Don't ignore increased energy bills, ice buildup, or musty odors. These signs indicate it's time to clean your air conditioner's filters, coils, and ducts. Cleaning these components will restore your air conditioner's performance and efficiency.

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